What vengeance is He wreaking on the 85,000 Rwandan refugees stranded here in the jungle of central Zaire?
Like Mr. Monkokola, the Kasai people of central Zaire fled here because they feared for their lives.
Exactly what went on in central Zaire between the initial invasion and the fall of Kinshasa remains largely untold.
However, this too was called off at the last minute, apparently because of opposition outrage over a massacre at Mbuji-Mayi in central Zaire.
These days Kisangani, in central Zaire, is the proving ground for how much mercenary soldiers can pull off.
Lining one wall are rare hats from central Zaire.
But the remainder fled deeper into central Zaire.
Each pipeline back to Rwanda is different - and none really exists through central Zaire.
More than a million Rwandan refugees have abandoned camps near the border and are moving westward into central Zaire.
"Shoowa" was inspired by the mazelike designs found on textiles of central Zaire.