Two foreigners were found battered to death in a park in central Kabul early Sunday morning, according to police officials here.
Foreign relief workers living in central Kabul said they had been sleeping under stairways for the past few nights for fear of rockets.
Most of them would be moved from grim police cells in central Kabul.
Witnesses said crossfire between the soldiers and the looters at an intersection in central Kabul caused several civilian casualties at a nearby bazaar.
The meeting here took place the day after what appeared to have been an attack by a suicide bomber at an Internet cafe in central Kabul.
Hezb-i Islami and Junbish were able to hold parts of central Kabul during this time.
By early afternoon, up to 2,000 protesters had gathered in central Kabul, some marching on parliament and some on the presidential palace.
The men lived in a house in central Kabul.
The soldiers will be concentrated heavily in central Kabul and on the main road to the area's chief airport.
A1 Artillery and rocket barrages emptied parts of central Kabul.