It continued somewhat more easterly across central Borneo, across the northwestern edge of Celebes, then ending just before Mindanao, Philippines.
Tradition places this village as the original settlement grounds of the Dusun people who inhabit most of central Borneo.
N. kayan is found in central and northern Borneo.
During late June aircraft from this detachment rescued eleven downed American airmen from a valley central Borneo.
An exhibition on the art of central Borneo opens on April 13 and continues through Jan. 16, 2000.
Nycticebus borneanus is a strepsirrhine primate and a species of slow loris that is native to central south Borneo in Indonesia.
Orangutan Foundation Institute: help in the renovation of Camp Leakey, which protects orangutans in central Borneo.
The covered area is west and central Borneo.
In 1893-94 he accompanied the Nieuwenhuis expedition to central Borneo.
ONCE again, I am driving, under the blazing equatorial sun, down an uncomfortable, rutty relic of a road into the interior of central Borneo.