With a right boot like that, shouldn't he be playing in centre midfield?
For the national team, he is employed in center midfield with a playmaker role.
Travis continued to finish off the season seeing time in the center midfield as well as playing forward.
The Blues also need someone who is a little bit cuter in centre midfield.
She started at three different positions for the Blaze: center midfield, center back and forward.
"When you don't have to retreat to center midfield, it makes it easier to pay more attention to offense."
Primarily a center midfield, Ji plays left-back for the national team.
We ended up with a couple of lads playing centre midfield who probably wouldn't have played there if everyone had been fit.
His primary position was in centre midfield, though he was an able right winger and full back.
He can play across the midfield, centre attacking midfield, and left back.