Retailers can expect a 35-38 per cent share of the selling price.
For example, a couple may own a second home, with the wife having an 80 per cent share and her husband the remainder.
Photographs, transport and international telephone calls were paid from his own 25 per cent share in profits.
By the first quarter of 1989, the societies had reclaimed a 67.6 per cent share.
The couple also received a 10 per cent share of the net profits.
However, other research shows that Google enjoys a 90 per cent share of the global internet search market.
Nevertheless, they carved out a 5.7 per cent share of the overall vote.
It was the number one show in the 16-39 and 25-54 demographics, helping to win the network the night with a 33.6 per cent share.
But then they don't have to make any further payments until they own more than an 80 per cent share of the property.
During its time on air the show often gained a 30 per cent share of all viewers in the ratings.