The deal came against the background of a 10 per cent decline in world prices since mid-October.
Fisons announced a 17 per cent decline in pre-tax profits in 1991 to £190.5m.
Another survey, carried out by Trent Polytechnic, revealed a 30 per cent decline in numbers of the common frog over the past three years.
Group turnover was DM 13 350m, representing a 4 per cent decline from the previous year.
The researchers found those aged 45 to 49 in 1997 experienced a 3.6 per cent decline in cognitive function over the decade.
Throughout December 2012 the supermarket chain saw a 2.5 per cent decline in sales.
On those grounds, a 4 per cent decline since the last base rate increase, last week, would mean trigger points of around DM2.90 and $1.54.
This was in line with estimates of a 40 to 50 per cent decline, but is a third below prospectus forecasts.
Arco Chemical reported a 46 per cent decline in net profits during 1991 to $188m.
This represented a 20 per cent decline on 1990's destruction.