According to Statistics Canada, the census subdivision has an area of 4,129.58 km2 (1,594.44 sq mi).
With an area of 13,893.10 km2, the census subdivision had a density of 0.4 inhabitants/km2.
White City a town of 1,113 residents could also be considered a census subdivision of Regina.
A smaller municipality within a census division is called a census subdivision.
The settlement is recognized as a census subdivision by Statistics Canada.
Census divisions are divided into census subdivisions (see section below).
The named location may be a former census subdivision, a former urban area, or a former designated place.
This is an 11% decline from 2001, when the sum of these 3 towns and one census subdivision was 1,117.
It is Canada's largest census subdivision in terms of area.
The following is a list of those census subdivisions with a population of 10,000 or greater.