The data are calculated for the United States as a whole and for each of the country's nine census regions.
United States (by census region)
Horseheads North, a census region.
The following is the list of villages noted separately in 2001 census in each census region.
These people represent about 1% of the census region's approximately two million respondents.
This Corrected chart shows changes in the population of states and census regions, according to the Census Bureau.
Below are the climates from the seven census regions of Turkey, showing how varied they can be in different places around the country:
Markusen's (1987) data on changes in non-agricultural employment, for example, demonstrate striking variations among the standard census regions (table 5.1).
The bureau recognizes four census regions within the United States and further organizes them into nine divisions.
These are the cities and counties of United States which offer a domestic partnership, classified by census region: