Enrollment will swell steadily because of rising births and an unabated flood of immigrants, the report said, citing census projections.
The most recent census projections indicate that whites will constitute 74.8 percent of the total population in 2050, and that non-Hispanic whites will still be 52.8 percent of the total.
According to the 2010 census projection, it has a population of 70,178 people in 17,357 households.
That incidence information was then extrapolated to national prevalence using census population figures and census projections.
With about 24 million 16- to 20-year-olds in the United States, and census projections of 26 million by 2010, young drivers put themselves and all other drivers sharing the road at increased risk.
The community now has no ethic majority, as the state will not within a few years, according to census projections.
Republicans May Benefit The shift in representation indicated by census projections would probably favor prospects for increasing Republican strength in the House.
But the Hispanic population will become the largest minority in the United States in the next few years, according to census projections.
In other census projections, the report says that the county's population, now 888,000, will grow an average of less than 1 percent a year, and by the year 2020 will reach 905,000.
In another 20 years it will be more than a quarter, in 30 years nearly a third, according to census projections.