Possessing a kindergarten, elementary school, high school, public library, court, health center, census office, and mayor's office, the largest employer by far is the government.
But he has yet to get a questionnaire himself, even after two calls to the local census office.
Anne Tolbert, who headed a census office in Greenville, said she considered census business confidential and would not discuss how the project was missed.
He took an interest in the census form the outset, requesting that his Delta district get its own census office.
In 2006, the census office estimated the total population of Poland at 38,536,869, a very small rise on the 2002 figure of 38,230,080.
According to the statistics from the census offices in Erbil, Sulaimani and Duhok, the population of Kurdistan has reached 5,299,304.
With spring 10 weeks away, the new year finds Mr. Freiser and officials of other census offices - there are 22 in the city - recruiting employees.
One thing he knew for certain: when he grew up he wasn't going to be a tax collector or work in the census office.
The census office has warned that some of the information released could be misleading until it has been fully analysed.
During the years just prior to the decennial census, parallel census offices, known as "Regional Census Centers" are opened in the field office cities.