These censuses confirm much of the data above.
The new census confirmed the departure of 35,000 white residents from the city in the last decade, leaving blacks at 43 percent of the city's population.
They must have been fairly successful, because the 2000 census confirmed a similar 4.3 percentage.
The first census in a decade will likely confirm that India's population has passed the billion mark.
Furthermore, the 1970 census confirmed that Miami's Spanish-speaking population was 24 percent.
The 2000 census confirmed a long-term trend of more people moving out of Louisiana than moving in.
The 1990 census confirmed a growth in population since the 1960s with about 700 people more per year.
In May 2008, a census conducted in the reserve confirmed the presence of 37 gaurs.
When the census confirms minority status, a meeting must be widely advertised.
In addition, the 1907 census also confirmed the continued increase of the population: by 1907, it had risen to 285.