No attempt was made to mark the actual location of his grave, because no cemetery records exist that would reveal it.
Her name appears in cemetery records in Massachusetts, not far from Boston.
He later died in 1839, and while Yatesville cemetery records do not show his burial, a lot bears his name.
Find A Grave is a website that has a database of cemetery records.
This database will be kept and maintained on a computer at the local level (usually by whomever is responsible for cemetery records).
Find A Grave is a commercial website providing free access and input to an online database of cemetery records.
"People come in to look up their families, and we help them find naturalization papers, marriage records, military service and cemetery records," she said.
Burials date from 1787 to 1890 and cemetery records indicate 275 burials.
His grave was found using cemetery records.
Also, in the research center are maps, census indexes, directories and cemetery records.