It should now be very clear that development is a dynamic process in which cells repeatedly interact with each other, change shape and position, and become different.
Morphogenesis arises because of changes in the cellular structure or how cells interact in tissues.
As "cells" interact, they fall into networks that cooperate to carry out functions, mimicking what real organisms do.
Microcontact printing has been used to advance the understanding of how cells interact with substrates.
In general, they regulate how cells interact with each other and with the extra-cellular matrix.
These cells interact with hematopoetic cells and they also provide the scaffold for them.
So hematopoietic cells are organized found, interact with, and can be triggered the immune response.
The plasma membrane is the medium through which all cells interact with their environment.
The cell interacts with industry and training organizations.
It is used to convert the power generated to each string, or line, in which the photovoltaic cells are interacting.