Scripps Research Center has successfully made them in to a cultures of special cells,induced pluripotent stem (IPS) cells.
The blood-making cells can induce immunological tolerance of their presence, preventing the patient's immune system from attacking any other cells derived from the same embryo.
DNA damage causes the cells to stop dividing or induce apoptosis, often affecting stem cell pools and hence hindering regeneration.
The cells induced a wide, functional and long-lasting transdifferentiation process that ameliorated hyperglycemia in diabetic mice.
Bacteria, yeast, and mammalian cells all induce the synthesis of global regulatory responses to survive oxidative insults.
Endothelial cells induce expression of endothelin-1, which leads to NO production and vasodilation.
For example, hCG-treated endometrial cells induce an increase in T cell apoptosis (dissolution of T cells).
This is normally what occurs in the case of lateral inhibition in which neighboring cells induce specification via inhibitory or inducing signals (see Notch signaling).
Sonic hedgehog-expressing epidermal cells induce the condensation of cells in the mesoderm.