Your cells absorb glucose and convert it into energy to drive the cell.
The cell and associated systems capture and convert to electricity more than 20 percent of the energy in the sunlight that hits them.
These cells resemble hairs on one's head and convert sound information into electrical signals that are sent to the brain.
The ISS electrical system uses solar cells to directly convert sunlight to electricity.
Signal transduction at the cellular level refers to any process by which a cell converts one kind of signal or stimulus into another.
Then photovoltaic (light-collecting) cells on the receiving end convert the photons back into electricity.
The international photovoltaic industry provides solar cells to convert light into electricity.
In addition, photovoltaic cells on the roof will convert sunlight into electricity.
Mechanotransduction refers to the many mechanisms by which cells convert mechanical stimulus into chemical activity.
As the sunlight streams down, the panels' photovoltaic cells convert the light to electricity.