Is the sample or its cell contents biohazardous?
The cell contents are able to leak from the damaged cells, and the insect quickly dies.
In the process, a tissue sample is first homogenised to break the cell membranes and mix up the cell contents.
It decreases cell-size but may have a decrease in closed cell content due to uneven dispersion.
Rigid foam surfactants are designed to produce very fine cells and a very high closed cell content.
What they did was condense their cell contents into an oval body with a thick wall.
Vegetation is not necessarily damaged when leaf temperatures drop below the freezing point of their cell contents.
In order to make meaningful comparison, Tables 1and 2also provide the cell content of tocopherols expressed as nmoles/well.
The cell contents are not changed by this format, only the displayed value.
Today, it is known that the cell contents are structurally very complex and contain multiple organelles.