In higher plants, SOD isozymes have been localized in different cell compartments.
A combination of biochemical and mechanical techniques - comprising various types of filtration and centrifugation - can be used to separate different cell compartments and organelles.
The MDAR activity has been described in several cell compartments, such as chloroplasts, cytosol, mitochondria, glyoxysomes, and leaf peroxisomes.
After the spores have been dispersed into a suitable growing environment, they germinate and develop into homokaryotic hyphae, with a single nucleus in each cell compartment.
They also have different adapters to respond to activation and are located sometimes at the cell surface and sometimes to internal cell compartments.
In short, the therapy is the selection agent which is being used to kill a cell compartment.
Cross-species genomics matches driver mutations and cell compartments to model ependymoma.
It is thought that the microspheres may have provided a cell compartment within which biochemistry could have become concentrated and protected from the outside environment during the process of chemical evolution.
Sophisticated measurements soon followed using new fluorescent molecules, which are used to measure cell properties like second messenger concentrations or the pH of internal cell compartments.
It contains several cell compartments with minimal interior and commodities, and a separate guard compartment.