The archbishop said it was time for the church to end its celibacy rule and "reconcile with married priests," news agencies reported.
The editorial urged church leaders to study whether priestly celibacy rules had any link to the sexual abuse of minors.
He said he found that 32 percent of United States bishops and 68 percent of Canadian bishops favored abolishing the celibacy rule.
But Mr. Lynch, so thrilled by yesterday's visit, blamed not the celibacy rule, but the temptations of American society.
If the church retains celibacy rules, then they include priests who are homosexual as well.
It has traumatized the faithful and even stirred questions about celibacy rules for priests.
Throughout the 12 years of his papacy, Pope John Paul II has appeared to remain firm in his resolve to keep the priestly celibacy rules.
Mr. Brooks said a declining interest in agriculture, not the celibacy rule, was responsible for the dwindling Shaker population.
Recently, however, growing numbers of Catholics have blamed this celibacy rule for a worldwide shortage of priests.
Indeed, the celibacy rule was largely a disciplinary measure that spread from monastic practice and became a general requirement only in the Middle Ages.