The children of the family decide the menu as the celebrities visit the two families before deciding which evening was the best.
Many other celebrities, including Chris Tucker and Bono, have visited over the years.
Eventually, the celebrity will visit the shortlisted homes - sometimes in disguise to avoid attention.
On the show, said celebrities visit various ecological locales around the world, in particular underprivileged areas of the world.
In addition, many Korean celebrities visit this place as they can easily find unique or exotic clothing.
In 2013, he joined the reality/variety show Real Men, in which male celebrities visit army bases and experience daily life there.
He meet and mingled with lots of interesting people; artists, politicians, activists and popular celebrities visiting town.
New York being the media capital of the world was the place when celebrities would visit to do press.
Many celebrities and noteworthy individuals from around the country visited the restaurant.
Each week, one or two celebrities also visited and stayed a few days with the contestants.