Other celebrities supported the boycott including Whoopi Goldberg, Madonna, and Steven Spielberg.
Many celebrities such as Muhammed Nagy (Gedo), West El-balad band and Karim Kojac supported the event.
The celebrities supported the campaign, which raised £4.5 million to refurbish the Victorian church in North London.
It will come as no surprise that many American celebrities supported Wallace.
Various celebrities publicly support the campaigns for moral integrity and sexual abstinence while behind closed doors indulging in pornography, promiscuity and all kinds of perversions.
In 1960 members of the branch supported an American celebrity of the day in underwater endurance, Jane Baldasare, as she attempted to be the first to swim the English Channel underwater.
Many celebrities in India have publicly supported the Beti Bachao campaign.
More than 60 celebrities have supported the program including:
Numerous and notable celebrities have supported the show over the years, volunteering as pageant judges and donating money.
Local celebrities including Marshall Trimble, Joe Garagiola, Clive Cussler and Bil Keane supported a campaign asking property owners for donations of land.