A3 India's national election campaign has been studded with celebrity candidates, especially film stars.
But today's celebrity candidates are a different breed, and the possibilities are tantalizing.
The use of celebrity candidates, especially film stars, is not new in Indian politics.
The caucuses allow us to get celebrity candidates out here and allows the rest of the nation to see them in the raw.
It may also be associated with presidential candidates that are not associated with any party, but who are essentially celebrity candidates.
Trump brought back four fired celebrity candidates, and let the final candidates Piers Morgan and Trace Adkins choose them as teammates.
Though his up-by-the-boot-straps image might appeal to some voters, Mr. McBride is facing celebrity candidates in both the primary and, if he gets that far, the general election.
He spoke at street rallies, provided food and lodging for party workers who labored around the clock, and selected a slate of celebrity candidates.
The low requirements attracted many "average joes" with no political experience to file as well as several celebrity candidates.
I agree that more women should be given these positions within the acadamy, but to give it to celebrity candidates who already have a voice is a very unequal distribution of resources.