The resort soon took on something of a celebrity cachet.
Even if celebrity cachet doesn't increase a price, a ghastly occurrence can drag it right down.
For Mr. Perelman, a frequent bold-faced name in the gossip pages, the deal represents his latest foray into a business with celebrity cachet.
Nor do Shaolin's American adherents seem bothered by Yan Ming's celebrity cachet.
Chicago is a town where celebrity cachet can make a restaurant.
The country achieved celebrity cachet in 2006 when Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie spent several weeks there, but it wasn't the Hollywood connection that drew us.
IT'S fun to think of motorcycle history in terms of celebrity cachet.
But third, and above all, he lent celebrity cachet to an anxiety that has grown so rife it's due a word of its own: wikiphobia.
However, it has never fully capitalized on its proximity to New York City, where interest in golf takes a back seat to celebrity cachet.
Part of the town's appeal may be its celebrity cachet.