Instead, they're regarded as a delicacy, and are roasted for celebratory occasions.
When I got my period, my family made it a happy, celebratory occasion, in their own way.
Sekihan, literally "red rice", is served for any celebratory occasion.
This week's labor convention here was supposed to be a celebratory occasion marking the 50th anniversary of the merger.
It is extremely rare for any celebratory occasion to lack lechon.
They can now be seen at carnivals, festivals, birthday parties, and other celebratory occasions.
Both developed as Kozak social dances, performed at celebratory occasions.
As the show's title suggests, this is not a hollow, celebratory occasion.
So it's no surprise that many people plan parties around such a celebratory occasion.
Her surrounding cast was an odd one for such a celebratory occasion.