Since red is also so much associated with the New Year, it also features heavily in celebratory dishes.
Asida is also the celebratory dish of choice for Tripolitanian families when a child is born.
Their profound commitment to religious tolerance is symbolized by a venerable custom, known as pakarcha, of sharing the celebratory dishes of one's own faith with friends of different religions.
When Mom and I settled down with our purchases for a celebratory dish of ice cream at 3 P.M., other people were just eating lunch.
Although the latter was always a celebratory dish it was originally eaten at the Harvest Festival, not Christmas.
Additionally, for the Queen's Golden Jubilee in 2002, another celebratory dish was devised, also called Jubilee chicken.
However, the military censors demanded that the script be completely rewritten, for example demanding that the humble "ochazuke" dish mentioned in the title be changed to the celebratory dish of red beans and rice, because the man was leaving to serve in the army.
Elsewhere, it is considered a celebratory dish.
Roast whole pig is the celebratory dish, eaten at Christmas and at baptisms.