Other celebrated monuments of his reign, such as the Golden Gates of Kiev, have since perished.
Valenciennes avoided sketching the celebrated monuments; Corot preferred these precisely because they endowed his outdoor work with importance.
Another celebrated monument was erected by her in Rhodes to commemorate her conquest of the island.
The rock-cut temples of Pattadakal, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Badami and Aihole are their most celebrated monuments.
When the Jackson Mall first opened more than 20 years ago, it was the most celebrated monument to retailing in Mississippi.
But while the Taj became the world's most celebrated monument to love and a symbol of India itself, forever thronged by tourists and touts, Humayun's tomb sat in lonely splendor.
In Samarra, an ancient spiral minaret that is one of Iraq's most celebrated monuments was damaged Friday when insurgents set off an explosion, American military officials said.
In 1780-90, the French architect Etienne-Louis Boullee designed a celebrated (but unbuilt) monument to Newton that remains perhaps the greatest example of the desire to translate Enlightenment values into architectural form.
It is noted particularly for its relatively unspoiled medieval charm, for its graceful and imposing thirteenth-century cathedral, and for the presence, eight miles away, of the celebrated prehistoric megalithic monument.
Church of Saint Simeon Stylites (Deir Semaan), is one of the most celebrated ecclesiastical monuments in Syria and among the oldest standing Christian churches in the world.