The British critic Rodney Milnes in a celebrated article likened the spread of titling to a cholera plague, a reaction that does seem a bit shrill.
In a celebrated article from 2001, the reputed literary scholar Priscilla Bawcutt examined the claims closely, and - in the opinion of most modern authorities - demolished them.
Forty years ago, Electronics magazine published Gordon E. Moore's celebrated article predicting that the number of transistors that could be placed on a silicon chip would continue to double at regular intervals for the foreseeable future.
This triggered a hurried, clandestine retrofit which was described in a celebrated article in The New Yorker.
The verve of F & L's satire can be measured by the consequences of a celebrated article making fun of Col Muammar Gadafy, which was published by La Stampa in 1973.
Robert Kagan's short book, which expands on a celebrated article published in Policy Review last summer, captures the mood of today's crisis between the United States and many of its old European allies.
Ms. Oates finds the celebrated articles of A. J. Liebling to be "relentlessly jokey, condescending, and occasionally racist."
In a celebrated 1947 article, he found the Gerschenkron effect (changing the base year for an index determines the growth rate of the index).
Both are linked, also through supersymmetry and Morse theory, as shown by Edward Witten in a celebrated article.
In the "celebrated article on Government", James Mill had stated: