Wild dogs living in your house, bats hanging from the ceiling of my office, junk and garbage everywhere.
The group had drilled a hole in the ceiling of Garydon's office in order to observe her and Moss.
It was the ceiling of his office; he found he was lying on the floor, the chair having tipped over.
While expecting her first child, she drew single-panel cartoons for the ceiling of her obstetrician's office.
Perched behind him, on a shelf near the ceiling of his office, were dozens of horse statuettes.
Above her, she saw the vaulted ceiling of her office.
"As you can see, I'm very pained here," he said, leaning back in his chair and staring at the ceiling of his cramped office.
Somebody has been working on the ceiling of your husband's office,' Tricia came around the desk, as though to lead the way to Shasa's office.
The yellow light shining from the ceiling of the captain's office made Arkitov's expression seem even more troubled, his frown more profound.
I found the secret mini-disc drives that Paul Bennett hid above the ceiling of his office.