For her, dealing with the ceiling collapse, especially on the heels of the initial tremors, took a bit longer than Pattie.
Cave floor and ceiling collapses are also a hazard.
Ceiling Trap - A trapped chest can cause a ceiling collapse.
But no one realized a ceiling collapse was imminent.
Virgin Falls Cave trends roughly southwest for 3,000 feet before ending in a massive ceiling collapse (breakdown).
They were uncertain whether it was a gas explosion, a ceiling collapse that spewed embers or some other calamity.
The carvings were taken down following a ceiling collapse in 1777, and of an estimated 56 original heads, 38 survive.
More than a partial ceiling collapse in the middle of an open house, it turns out.
The captain stood immediately behind him now, apparently having given up her rescue efforts on whoever had been crushed in the ceiling collapse.
But for the tenant who has a ceiling collapse or the co-op owner who no longer can cook a meal, they are complex real estate challenges.