The ceiling appeared to be rough hewn but very massive, in fact slightly arched.
The thief turned around again, just as the fourth wall and a ceiling appeared.
Inside, there are broken mirrors on the walls and the ceiling appears to be damaged by the tidal wave.
Directly overhead, the ceiling groaned and appeared to shift.
It did not seem to have a body, appeared to float in the air up towards the ceiling, features which she recognised instantly.
He tried to open his eyes: the ceiling appeared, cracked and water-stained.
Floor, walls, and ceiling appeared to have been cast in one piece with the staircase.
In the "spike room", the ceiling appears to be retained by several upright bamboo poles.
A ceiling of rock appeared, and walls, as the way narrowed into a tunnel that snaked deeper.
She points to deep cracks in the walls, and to where the ceiling appears to be shifting away from the wall.