Jessica has blossomed from a homesick redshirt to an agile, 6-foot-3 sophomore with a jump hook and aerobic capacity for ceaseless work.
The marquis de Bombelles, a diplomat and politician, remembered her ceaseless work to promote hardline responses against the emergent revolution.
Allam was cited for "his ceaseless work in fostering understanding and tolerance between cultures."
For Forbin, it meant seven days of ceaseless work, except for the few brief hours when he collapsed into bed.
Through a whole year, the winds and clouds had come and gone; the ceaseless work of Time had been performed, in storm and sunshine.
By his daily example and ceaseless work, in three months he has forged his Groupe de Combat into an elite unit.
For his ceaseless work, Selig deserved what he has gotten, in the most magnanimous sense of the term.
But those who think Silas is realistic point out that Eliot is trying to portray a limited mind stunted by a poor education and a lifetime of ceaseless work.
We are deeply grateful therefore to the Secretary-General for his ceaseless work in defending the multilateral system.
He had obviously been suffering from the prevalent malady for some time, but like most farmers he just had to keep going at his hard ceaseless work.