What- ever irregularities they might once have possessed had long ago been obliterated by the ceaseless rain from the watery heights above.
Matthias remained kneeling on the ground, his fur saturated by the ceaseless rain.
The warmth of the small hut was finally melting the frozen ice in her veins, and the ceaseless rain had become a distant cradle-song.
Through the ceaseless rain the lights of a pub could be seen ahead, beside theClyde .
It would take days of ceaseless rain truly to threaten the air in the throne-room.
His Aston Martin handled it well, even as the dirt turned to mud under the ceaseless driving rain.
But the seemingly ceaseless rain washed away his nervousness.
She did not even mind the ceaseless rain that obscured the distant hills so that they rode within a little circle of mist.
Onto those sere platforms ceaseless rains fell, nurturing nothing.
Clinging to the tacit validation of his support, she stepped out into the ceaseless rain.