In 1880, the Methodists ceased supporting the school, and the Institute began to act solely as a local school.
Kodak ceased supporting the model a couple of years later.
The United States is not going to cease supporting the people of Afghanistan.
In the early 1990's Mitsubishi ceased supporting these vehicles with spare parts.
After Lewis became bankrupt in 1911, he ceased supporting the pottery studio.
Beginning in May, 2013, Zynga announced that it would cease supporting this game on June 28, 2013.
The United States government will soon cease supporting the price.
The 1968 decision to cease supporting the agents came only after determining that all of them had been killed, or captured and played back as double agents.
Nor must the EU cease supporting the democratic forces of civilian society in Colombia, which without doubt exist at every level, even in the government.
Canon ceased supporting the camera in 1998 and spare parts are no longer available from them.