The small footprints led them to the first cavernous opening.
Twisting into a short crevice, The Shadow halted directly in front of a cavernous opening.
The warriors were forcing the hostages into a cavernous opening.
A cavernous opening loomed, then swallowed the palanquin.
They entered the cavernous opening in the hillside.
Driving slowly, Manescu's vehicle entered a huge cavernous opening where a steel door had risen, again automatically.
The driver released the clutch slowly, and the truck moved forward through the rain into the cavernous opening.
The air was gray with a dense mist that flowed like an angry ocean, churned in the cavernous opening like cold smoke.
Perry stared toward the cavernous opening that led down into the Russian station.
At the base of the mesa was a cavernous opening over which a sign had been suspended.