They passed a wooden barrier on the right side of the cave tunnel.
The cave tunnel led directly into the mountain, and it was wide and straight; Chester made excellent progress despite his burden.
His idle theory was corroborated a few minutes later when they stood at the entrance to what appeared to be a labyrinth of cave tunnels.
Bond, Kissy, Tanaka, and the surviving ninjas escape through the cave tunnel before it explodes, and are rescued by submarine.
It had, I decided after closer study, come down the cave tunnel on one side, been stopped by the barrier, and crossed over to retrace its way up the other.
Soon it resembled a natural cave tunnel.
In 2011, divers reached 194 metres depth, by placing four decompression habitats along the cave main tunnel, but were still unable to trace the source.
But when we crossed a mountain by way of a pass, the sharp wind whistled through it too, like arrows shot through a cave tunnel, none scattering, all striking.
Beyond the downed forcefield was the beginning of a cave tunnel.
The carpet lifted and sailed down the cave tunnel, out of the mountain.