Nearer to village there is one big cave called as Siddappana gavi, hear so many movies shot.
Another cave called Katalimata, located at the centre of the village, is also an interesting site.
But the men from the cave called, "We're ready," and he left his fields to lead them toward the dark swamp.
She led her followers to a huge cave called Tingring.
Amaterasu, angered by the display, hides in the cave called Iwayado.
In the north-east of the island is a large cave called Tham Viking.
Martin was the first human being in the cave, now called Middle Cave.
The new population was identified based on sequence from a single bone found in a cave called Denisova.
In 1832, a cave called Sybil's Cave opened and was popular.
His most dramatic discovery, a cave almost seven miles deep called Guácharo, has hardly changed.