The heart of "Basket Case" lies in Jack's caustic view of such progress.
On "Life Is Messy," his eighth album, Mr. Crowell takes a more caustic view of modern romance.
He is known for his in-depth analysis and caustic views.
A much deeper, more caustic view of a life like Barry's can be found in Vince Passaro's recent "Violence, Nudity, Adult Content," but Mr. Lasser glides nimbly across its surface.
Many of the students interviewed offered caustic views of politics.
Bradford released another volume in 1886 called Harriet, the Moses of her People, which presented a less caustic view of slavery and the South.
Far from peripheral, whites have now become central to the author's acid observations and caustic view.
So we offer them humor - a somewhat sarcastic and caustic view".
Reverend Robert P. Shuler, whose caustic view of McPherson softened over the years, wrote he could not figure out why God choose such a person.
The book created a sensation on both sides of the Atlantic, as Frances Trollope had a caustic view of the Americans and found America strongly lacking in manners and learning.