Pogodin, apparently, was not impressed and Ivan Panaev from Sovremennik responded with caustic review, parodying its characters vapid, insubstantial dialogues.
But Richard N. Rosenfeld, the historian who discovered the error and reports it in a caustic review in the coming issue of Harper's magazine, disagrees.
Roth's long-time professional acquaintance John Updike gave the novel a famously caustic review in The New Yorker.
Savoyards were appalled by his treatment of the piece, which earned the most caustic reviews of any London operatic production this season.
The following month, after caustic reviews of Lane's book by authors and a Vietnam expert, VVAW would also distance itself from Lane.
Peter Grey is a successful New York chef, disgruntled by caustic reviews from the food critic J.T. Franks.
And though The Weekly Standard ran Loury's caustic review of D'Souza's book, it also published a lengthy response from the author.
Poe's caustic reviews earned him the epithet "Tomahawk Man".
She was so well known for giving caustic and ill-advised reviews to what she ill-informedly considered bad performances that she earned the nickname "Acidy Cassidy."
These days, Sir Peter's own West End productions have had some caustic reviews.