Insulated wires dissolved, small parts curling as though alive, shriveling and shrinking as the caustic liquid made contact.
Two youths questioned in connection with an attack on a woman in Hebburn in which caustic liquid was squirted in her eyes have been released without charge after questioning.
Thousands of gallons of a caustic liquid used in household detergents spilled yesterday from a tank near the Arthur Kill in Carteret, N.J., the authorities said.
Jets of caustic liquid, orange as fire, spurted from every crack in the Hortas' lumpy bodies.
What if we sent in projectiles filled with highly caustic liquids?
Following his lead, Abulurd flushed caustic liquid through the tube, spraying a stream of corrosive chemicals.
The steam was cut off sharply, leaving him shaking and gasping for breath, and then a caustic white liquid sprayed him from everywhere at once.
High-speed cameras show oogpister beetles squirting formic acid into the face of an inquisitive mongoose and bombardier beetles firing boiling caustic liquid from their abdomens.
Polymer 2 is resistant to shock, caustic liquids and temperature extremes where traditional steel/alloy frames would warp and become brittle.
A photograph from that time reveals cracks in the glazes and a drip mark, possibly caused by the splash of a caustic liquid.