But the study could not demonstrate a cause-and-effect link between smoking and movie viewing because it was based on statistical correlations.
With Mr. D'Amato, the panel could not find evidence of cause-and-effect links between the Senator's fund raising and his favors for supporters.
Some researchers at the meeting argued that in Asian countries there was a direct cause-and-effect link between faster growth and policies that reduce inequality.
The New York researchers, however, said their studies neither explained the increased cancer nor established a direct cause-and-effect link.
Researchers were quick to note that they could not explain the higher incidence of cancer and that the study did not establish a direct cause-and-effect link.
But its conclusions have been met with skepticism by some experts for drawing cause-and-effect links where they may be dubious.
Some of the historians featured in the documentary suggest a cause-and-effect link between capitalism and several significant social advances, including the establishment of housing, health and zoning codes.
The study creates an illusory cause-and-effect link between academic success, the level of state beer taxes and the availability of beer to young people.
How often is there a direct cause-and-effect link between events on screen and behavior in the real world?
A strong ideology is, in his view, a 'multi-dimensional model' with strong cause-and-effect links.