Debby's remnants would continue to cause severe weather as they moved over Hispaniola.
Research has shown that at least 90 percent of supercells cause severe weather.
Larger clouds and possibly thunderstorms could form throughout the day to cause bad or severe weather in the afternoon or evening.
Both types of data can be analyzed to determine the structure of storms and their potential to cause severe weather.
A wide variety of conditions cause severe weather.
Nevertheless, the winds are notorious for causing hot, dry weather due to compressional heating of the lower atmosphere.
The remains caused bad weather in Newfoundland and killed one person.
I will admit I do not understand how an evenly distributed gas (as the models pretend) would cause more extreme weather?
The storm caused severe weather across the entire state, forcing the closure of all airports.
"Something in orbit has wiped out our defenses and is causing deadly weather all over the planet."