These cause frictional surface currents towards the latitude at the center of the gyre.
This caused his perpetual hostility towards that city, and he refused any subsequent request to return to command its army.
This event not only caused anger towards his nephew for Robert, but illustrated how easy it was to get caught.
Such measures required considerable expenditure, and caused much bitterness towards the British, however they soon yielded results.
Then he caused a stampede towards the door and tried to slip out with the other goats.
Later private schools also caused mobility of a large community towards this locality.
This caused frustration and resentment towards South Korea among baseball fans.
The 1973 oil crisis caused a move towards smaller, fuel-efficient vehicles.
I don't understand why the coalition's attack on disability benefits should cause hostility towards people who are obviously disabled.
High unemployment caused great animosity towards him, especially from the left.