As with other Cryogenics liquids, on contact with the human body it can cause burns to the skin and the eyes.
Some chemicals cause a direct irritation to the skin leading to dermatitis.
Bug spray may also cause the reaction to the skin.
Lasers can cause damage in biological tissues, both to the eye and to the skin, due to several mechanisms.
A doctor will apply the medicines that have a high risk of causing damage to the skin around the warts.
Larvae have urticating hairs which can cause a rash to the skin.
These allergic reactions may cause severe damage to the skin and internal organs.
Chromium can cause injury to the skin, kidneys, liver, nose and respiratory tract.
Using as a thick paste (poultice), garlic can cause damage to the skin that is similar to a burn.
The dye did not allow the fabric to breathe causing sores to the skin of the troops.