This compresses the spring, causing it to push the piston back out of the cylinder when you release the trigger.
Any running that causes you to push qualifies as a form of speed work.
This appeared to frustrate Ross, causing her to push Wilson's shoulder.
Adaptation causes those on the edges to push the envelope.
The bottles have no necks, because a neck causes the freezing liquid to push downward and rupture the bottom.
The sound of hooves on the Steppes caused him to push himself upright.
In addition, your infant should no longer have the "extrusion reflex", which causes babies to push anything but liquid out of their mouths.
Felix's favor in the eyes of the king caused him to push for greater benefits for the Church.
Cliff's reminder caused him to push glass and bottle aside.
Other administration officials say the criticism caused them to push less forcefully on the legislation than they otherwise might have.