It works by causing the intestines to hold more water, which softens the stool.
One gaze in particular, tonight, caused Marland to hold his breath briefly.
Too much of this hormone (called vasopressin) will cause the kidneys to hold onto water.
Who should decide whether there is probably cause to hold the accused for trial?
Richard knew all too well the pain it caused to hold an Agiel.
Hall led the team down the field, and set up a 22-yard field goal, causing the Cougars to hold a 31-24 lead.
And do they cause you involuntarily to hold your breath for much of their duration?
They cause his nearest and dearest to hold against him the resentments that follow.
These cause the intestines to hold more water within, softening the stool.
Allergies also cause the bags to hold fluid, as does a bout of crying.