As she does, her hand passes the magical boundary, causing it to burst into flame.
The car exploded near the gasoline tank of the bus, causing it to burst into flames.
This caused Bernstein to burst into tears and say "It's over".
Darryl's face, at that moment, almost caused Mike to burst into laughter.
For the conflict of emotions in me caused me to burst into tears.
Type Ones are especially vulnerable to crosses, which cause them to burst into flame.
I'll spare you the details, but what is it about camp that causes sane people to burst into song?
But their shape will allow the mud to seep past, avoiding the pressure that could cause it to burst from the ground elsewhere.
The deck was so hot that it seemed an increase of a few degrees would cause it to burst into flames.
It didn't look as if even that one was going to cause her to burst into sobs, so I beat it.