How do we respond to the fact that we are causing other species like elephants to psychologically break down?
Overharvesting has caused several species to become endangered in areas where they were once abundant.
This causes other species to call them stupid, stripping them of any self-esteem.
Small population sizes may also cause species to mate with their relatives, increasing chances of lethal alleles within the population and decreasing survival.
The human disease schistosomiasis caused by all Schistosoma species (transmitted also by other snails) infects 200 million people.
Frequent hybridization and high levels of introgression have caused different species in the same populations to share up to 50% of their genetic information.
The trees are, however, often not identical to those found further north: geology and climate causes different related species to occur in montane forests.
Poaching has the potential to cause endangered species to go extinct, as it severely lowers the number of animals found in the wild if not stopped.
T. multiceps has been reported in regions all over the world (both human and animal infections) and is the most common coenurosis causing species.
These regions will cause intermediate species such as formaldehyde and alkenes to be emitted.