In biology, some bacteria are thermophobic, such as mycobacterium leprae which causes leprosy.
He is famous for discovering the bacteria that causes leprosy in 1873.
M. leprae which causes Hansen's disease or leprosy.
This isolated population of Blackbuck probably survived unmolested throughout the centuries due to the locals' now declining belief that eating its meat causes leprosy.
Among its subgroup Mycobacteriaceae are the species which cause tuberculosis and leprosy.
A Leprostatic agent is a drug that interferes with proliferation of the bacterium that causes leprosy.
Some animal research suggests it might harm the bacterium that causes leprosy.
Neisser also co-discovered the pathogen that causes leprosy, Mycobacterium leprae.
Dr. Richard Young of the institute has isolated key genes from the bacteria that cause leprosy and tuberculosis.
Mycobacterium leprae - the bacterium that causes leprosy (Hansen's disease)