The parasite is one which lays its spores in the brain, slowly causing insanity.
There was something about a wirelessa wireless machine that caused insanity.
With your machine for causing insanity, you can rule the world if you wish.
Although he has a physical presence, Pandelume is never seen by the other characters; apparently, the sight of him causes insanity or death.
The downside is that the transformation can cause insanity and death in some people.
The scientists were checking out possible causes of the noise, as it affected humans, causing temporary insanity.
It can release a choking, toxic black cloud that causes temporary insanity.
They, he said, would have a better chance of surviving the stresses that otherwise might cause depression, hostility, violence or even insanity.
Siegel held that, in the extreme, contempt causes insanity.
Eating it was thought to cause instant insanity.