This year's intense partisanship is partly caused by the Republicans' slim hold on power in the House, where a Democratic gain of just six seats next year could put them in the majority.
The Parliamentary bill caused rifts in the House of Commons, especially among the governing Liberals.
However, his appointment caused friction in the House of Saud.
In this battle, three of the swords of the 20th Hussars broke short, an incident which later caused debate in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom.
Revelation by John Pilger of these activities caused considerable debate in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom in July 1991.
The cancellation of the show by the public broadcaster in 1969 caused a nationwide protest, including the raising of questions by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons.
This however did still not placate Sir Allen who in 1666 caused many disturbances in the House of Commons by coming there in a state of drunkenness.
For years, the EP has used this as an argument to extend our wish-list without causing any division in the House.
This caused great hilarity in the House at the time.
Lennox-Boyd decided there was no case to answer, but the petition caused considerable debate in the House of Commons in July and August 1956.