Everybody knows what causes food to taste good and it's not whole wheat and lettuce.
This causes food and acids from the stomach to leak back - or reflux - into the esophagus.
Surgery may make this problem worse, causing food to get stuck in the esophagus.
The higher temperature causes food to cook faster; cooking times can typically be reduced to one-third of the time for conventional cooking methods.
This causes food to mistakenly go down the trachea when swallowing, and also saliva.
Good quality is equally important: flimsy pots cause food to burn.
This can make it hard for you to swallow, which could cause food to get stuck in your throat.
Assuming the Oregon State study was correct, what has changed in the Zeitgeist of the eating public to cause blue food to become acceptable?
Inefficient or sluggish metabolism causes food to convert more slowly to energy, and so store itself as fat.
Some fungi and bacteria cause food to decay.